Re: A92: Assemble a prog
Re: A92: Assemble a prog
The compiler can be finicky, try editing the file just by a little bit,
like adding a space after a line, then saving it. Try compiling it
again. This seemed to work for me.
Daniel Plaisted
On Tue, 13 Jan 1998 19:31:35 +0100 fi97 Sacha KAERCHER
<> writes:
>I've a probleme : since this morning, when i try to assemble my prog,
>i get
>this message, and my prog causes an ER_throw error ! But I didn't
>change the
>sources, and it worked this morning !!! Could somebody give an
>explanation ?
>Assembling qv.asm
>PASS 1 line 1733
>PASS 2 line 1733
>End of assembly - no errors were found.
>Heap usage: -w2047,132
>Total hunk sizes: aa4 code, 0 data, 0 BSS
>Exiting due to signal SIGSEGV
>Page fault at eip=00002391, error=0004
>eax=00007862 ebx=0000004a ecx=00053f3c edx=00059028 esi=000571e0
>ebp=00053f48 esp=00053f08 cs=00a7 ds=00af es=00af fs=0087 gs=00bf
>Call frame traceback EIPs:
> 0x00002391
> 0x00002b68
> 0x000053fd
> 0x00006463