A92: Fwd: Adress error
A92: Fwd: Adress error
>From: Oscar Lindberg <f96osli@dd.chalmers.se>
> I got a -address error- in my program today. As I tried to find where it
>came from, I renmoved line after line of the program. At last this was
>what I had left :). And it still gives me an -address error-!
> I have rom v1.12 and I used the stuff from fargo v0.2.0.3.
> include "tios.h"
> include "flib.h"
> include "gray7lib.h"
> xdef _main
> xdef _comment
> jsr gray7lib::on
> jsr flib::idle_loop
> jsr gray7lib::off
> rts
> dc.b "The gray7lib error"
> end
>/ Oscar Lindberg
Niklas Brunlid - http://www.efd.lth.se/~e96nbr
PQF Quote follows:
"[...] a number of offences of murder by means of a blunt instrument, to
whit, a dragon, and many further offences of generalized abetting [...]"
-- (Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!)