A92: Re: Re: Re: Windows
A92: Re: Re: Re: Windows
I doubt Fargo II would be successful if Ti-92 Plus
were to become manufactured. With built-in
ASM programming, us Fargo people won't be
calling it fargo anymore.
To your question, no way, Fargo will disappear,
when the TI-92 Plus, however, some idiots will
not upgrade to the ti-92 plus. For them, they will
need Fargo to run Ti-92 ASM programs.
Of course, I'm not really the judge here, it is upon
David Ellsworth and his Fargo team to decide
whether they will continue on the idea of Fargo.
Signing off, Dennis Ng
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Menefee <mmenefee@flash.net>
To: assembly-92@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-92@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Friday, January 2, 1998 6:36 PM
Subject: A92: Re: Re: Windows
>Sh, sh, sh, whoa, you guys already found out?
>about our multi-tasking windows already?
>It's not ready yet....
>if fargo II is canceled, we will continue.....
Great.. Just make sure you don't let MS get hold of this one :)
BTW, this brings up a question in my mind: When the plus module comes out,
will the Fargo shell just go away, and we'll all just use the same
assembler, or will development on Fargo continue?