A92: Re: The TI92-II Homepage
A92: Re: The TI92-II Homepage
A few month ago, when I opened a section for Ti92 II on
my website, with the famous patched version of Fargo (that runs on the new rom
2.1), authors of this patch made me close this section (for unknow
reasons). Since, I received tons of Email asking me : "When fargo
will be compatible with Ti 92 II ? (or When Fargo II will be released)".
Maybe it is time to allow distribution of this fargo patched version, Fargo II
project seems to be really dead. Moreover, patching software for the new rom is
very easy.
... Waiting for an authorization ...
PS : I'd like to add that I never gave to J.Monin the backup
for Rom2.1, the libs file required, or the new hexadecimal adresses
It contains Fargo...
Jimmy Monin