A92: Help with TIGER and EMU92.


A92: Help with TIGER and EMU92.

I've a ROM 2-1 and when I want to do "load <backupfile>", It displays
"Transaction failed". I tried several times in changing the backup and It
displays the same thing.
I have put settings :
memsize : 256 and colors : 0
I've got a Ti92.rom about 2 Mb.
I didn't put "Ti.o" in the directory dev\ti because I haven't this file.

It must absolutely add "ti.o" or not ?
Where could I find "ti.o" ?
Help me please !

The Ti92mod.bin seems me good (2,097,152).
I work in Windows95.
Run EMU92 and he displays after press Enter :

Invalid Opcode at eip=00001abe
eax=000e5800 ebx=000ce0e0 ecx=00000000 edx=000d2000 esi=00000054
ebp=00000000 esp=000cce38 program=C:\FARGO\EXECUT~1\EMU92\EMU92.EXE
cs: sel=00af  base=82990000  limit=0052ffff
ds: sel=00b7  base=82990000  limit=0052ffff
es: sel=00b7  base=82990000  limit=0052ffff
fs: sel=0087  base=00009270  limit=0000ffff
gs: sel=00c7  base=00000000  limit=ffffffff
ss: sel=00b7  base=82990000  limit=0052ffff

Call frame traceback EIPs:

(remark : Even thing with TIGER-p)

What do you do now ?

Excuse me about bad language, I'm French.
/ David HU, 26/05/80 - France  \_
\ Lycéen au lycée Jules Verne    \____
/ 1 Vieille rue 02400 CHATEAU-THIERRY \_____
\ 03 23 83 24 01  alfred02@club-internet.fr/
 \_______________ davidhu@caramail.com ___/
                                ^ ^
DDD   AA  V   V I DDD    H   H U   U
D  D A  A V   V I D  D   H   H U   U
D  D AAAA  V V  I D  D   HHHHH U   U
DDD  A  A   V   I DDD    H   H U   U
 davidhu@caramail.com    H   H  UUU

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