A92: Fargo version numbers...
A92: Fargo version numbers...
I don't know what it is about Fargo, but dozens of people have been referring
to garbled and mangled version numbers...
The latest I've seen:
>I'm using FText 1.3 in my Ti-92 II, with fargo II r.5 (and now fargo r.6) in
^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
>Fargo r5 (and I have try with the r6), shell, flib are onto memory..
^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^
Now tell me, where the heck did that "r" come from!? And what happened to the
I've also seen total garbled ones like "Fago 2.0.3", and crazy ones like
"Fargo 02.03".
Please, people!!! Get the danged version numbers straight...does "0.2.6"
really take that long to type?! Does "0.1.15" take much longer!?! Maybe
"" was a bit cumbersome...but those dots are there for a reason!!!
Sorry, but this has *really* been getting on my nerves...sometimes I can guess
what the intented version number is, but often it is so garbled that my eyes
just skip over it out of frustration.
For review:
0.1.x = Old Fargo, which only supported ROMs 1.2 through 1.12.
0.2.x = Fargo II Alpha, which most notably added ROM 2.1 support
and an object code linker (flinker).
0.3.x = As yet unreleased, this will still be designated as Fargo
II Alpha, but will have a totally new executable format,
and will feature: loading to static mem; overlays; and
built-in support for decompression.
0.4.x = Still Fargo II Alpha, but with another major new feature.
I may, however, skip directly to 1.0.0. On the other hand,
I may continue on to 0.5.x, 0.6.x, etc.
1.x.x = Fargo II Beta. All major planned features implemented.
Things like the file format, feature set, etc., should be
fairly stable at this point.
I really don't think I will ever want to designate any version of Fargo as
"final". More likely, I'll just continue using "1.x.x" and take out the "Beta"
designation, once I am satisfied with its stability, compatibility, and ease-of-use.
Note that the word "stable" has two meanings here:
1) Unchanging, as in a feature set or a file format.
2) Reliable; never crashing.