RE: A92: BBS software
RE: A92: BBS software
You see, these people don't mean to insult you or anything. The reason for
these dumb response? They see too many neophytes that ask messages like
"How do you reset the calculator?". Sorry, but they think every1 who posts
stuff are that dumb....
-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Stockly []
Sent: Thursday, February 5, 1998 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: A92: BBS software
>I think you misunderstand me. IMO a BBS-program is the BBS _server_ that
>handles incoming calls from users. The program discussed here is
>obviously a _client_ and that I have NO problem with, I think it's a good
No. You _obviously_ are still not getting the picture. Some people might
get a kick out of setting up a server over the weekend. Even teachers
could set them up overnight so students could dial in. There is a
"_server_" which handles the calls and the "_client_" that dials into the
server and provides the gui interface. I did not misunderstand you.
Btw, I'vd noticed in other lists when we talk about networks, I get a
"thats cool" response. Here all I get is "You have no idea what you are
talking about, I'm smarter, You're dumber, you alaways misunderstand
things"... Is there realy an interest? If not I'll be happy to port what
I've done to the TI-8X where there is more of an innovative atmosphere.
Grant Stockly
AppleCyber -