A92: Fargo II and starting from the Main screen


A92: Fargo II and starting from the Main screen

Do all Fargo II programs crash if started from the main screen? In Tinx2, I
check all files in all folders for teams (they will be separate files in
the next version, with team name and team/worm gfx). Anyway, I start by
getting the adress of handle $0B (the folders), and then the handle of the
first folder, and then the number of files in that folder. When started
from FBrowser, I get the correct amount of files, but from the main screen
it shows the wrong adresses for the folder and file tables, plus the amount
of files is $FFFF. It then goes down to ca $FFF8, where it crashes with
different errors, mostly Adress Error.

Niklas Brunlid - http://www.efd.lth.se/~e96nbr
PQF Quote follows:

"Chap with a whip got as far as the big sharp spikes last week," said
the low priest.
        -- Life in the Temple of Offler
           (Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man)