Re: A92: MultiASM v1.4 -- Losing Weight!


Re: A92: MultiASM v1.4 -- Losing Weight!

>excuse me, but what exactly is the point of this???? comments don't add anything
>to the compiled size and if you're releasing your source they can help others to
>understand what you're doing in your code, and if you don't release your source
>they help you understand it later.. so WHY?

I'm sorry.  I should have clarified.

In my project, [i3], I use MultiASM to split up the source into modules.
These individual assembler files allow for easy access to functions and
to cut out entire sections of code.  If I ever release my source code,
I will release the individual files.  When MultiASM combines the source
into the FINAL OUTPUT, this file is ONLY going to be used by A68k.  A68k
seems to have a limit on the size of the input file.  That is why I added
the feature to remove comments.

If you are planning on releasing YOUR FINAL OUTPUT source, then I would
not suggest removing comments.  In fact, I would suggest you use the
--comment feature which does not remove ANY lines, it mearly comments
them out.

Sorry for the confusion.

Aaron Hill (Redmond, WA)
IRC-Nick: Serac (EF-Net) (was SeracOhw)