A92: Re: Assembly-92 Digest V1 #590


A92: Re: Assembly-92 Digest V1 #590

you need to run convert.exe on those games.  they were written for one of the
first versions and since the new versions use different calls, the games are
messing up.  that's why there's convrt.exe included in the plusshell.zip file.
run it and then try again.

In a message dated 12/6/98 6:00:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, owner-
assembly-92@lists.ticalc.org writes:

<< Do normal Plusshell programs work?  No Plusshell or Doors programs work at
 all on my 92+.  I get an Illegal Instruction if they run, a mysterious
 Library Not Found if they don't (even though the library is in the same
 folder).  Thoughts, anyone?
 (Programs that blow up so far: Tetris (sometimes), Tinx, Monopoly, TiWolf
 (post-conversion), and countless others.)
 (Programs that have worked: Tetris and Phoenix.  Phoenix has never blown up
 on me.)
 Anyone see a pattern here?  Is it the libraries they access or the methods
 they use?
 Any thoughts are of course appreciated...I'd really like to know if my +
 module is broken before the return period passes. :-)
 - -Cliff >>