Re: A92: Re: Quitting ASM or not -- please answer these q
Re: A92: Re: Quitting ASM or not -- please answer these q
>tios.h has NO documentation either in .html format or in the .h file. The
>util library mostly says things like
>util::find_pixel(point p)
>util::DrawCharXY(BYTE ch,WORD x,WORD y,WORD color)
>but doesn't tell you what registers to load the data into! l mean, what the
>heck is "point p" supposed to be?!
This is a valid point...(no pun intended)...I kind of assumed everything
would be pushed onto the stack or put into the corresponding registers
(parameter one=d0, etc.) but I can't really tell. Also, what -is- a point?
A series of two bytes? Two words? Two chickens? :-)