Re : A92: Re: optimization
Re : A92: Re: optimization
Dans un courrier daté du 31/08/98 19:28:22 , vous avez écrit :
> For better formatting you can download the 68x00 Programmer's Reference
> from Motorola's homepages - it contains everything you'd want to know about
> the 68000 from a technical programmer's point of view, but it doesn't
> include any actual programming info.
> Niklas Brunlid -
> PQF Quote follows:
Here is for exemple the optimization i just did on a loop:
move.w d2,d5
asr.w #8,d5
asl.w #_wall_texture_size,d5
; ext.l d5
btst.b d3,0(a1,d5)
beq \white
bset.b d6,(a2)
; bra \end_pixel
; nothing...
add.w d4,d2
add.l #30,a2
cmp.l a2,a3
bne \loop
first, two macros...
tex_loop macro
move.w d2,d5
asr.w #8-_wall_texture_size,d5
and.w #~(1<<_wall_texture_size-1),d5
btst.b d3,0(a1,d5)
beq \@white
bset.b d6,(a2)
add.w d4,d2
add.l #30,a2
repeat macro ;
\2 ;
rcount set \1-1 ; loop unrolling macro
ifne rcount ;
repeat rcount,<\2> ;
endif ;
endm ;
Then, the code itself...
repeat height,<tex_loop>
The thing i am the most proud of is:
asr.w #8-_wall_texture_size,d5
and.w #~(1<<_wall_texture_size-1),d5
It is rather cool... Its gain is of
(6+_wall_texture_size*2+_wall_texture_size*2 )-8
The values of _wall_texture_size can be : 1,2,3
Thus, thye gain in the current version of my engine is ( 3 ) 10 cycles by each
execution of the loop ... ( not taking into account the cmp and bne )