Re : Re: A92: Recovering from Crashes on the 92+


Re : Re: A92: Recovering from Crashes on the 92+

Dans un courrier daté du 26/08/98 14:32:21  , vous avez écrit :

>  Data in the Archive can't be accessed directly, it has to be copied into
>  the real RAM before you can use it. The 92+ has the processor set up to
>  access 256Kb of RAM, and must therefore use I/O ports to read from/write to
>  the archive. Someone please prove me wrong on this one ;-)

The 92 processor is a 68000 processor. It has thus an adressable space of 16
Mb ...

I don' t know if this is what you meant but i think that the external flash
module is simply built in the adressable space.. I may be wrong as i have no
92+ module..

Mathieu, <>