Re: A92: Recovering from Crashes on the 92+
Re: A92: Recovering from Crashes on the 92+
Well I did think of that but then forgot about it when I was
writing the letter :) Yes, that wouold be the easiest way if
it worked. It seems like it would run a whole lot slower
from the flash mem though, not that that would matter.
This of course all depends on the fact that the flash
memory stays intact after a reset.
Daniel Plaisted
On Tue, 25 Aug 1998 23:12:11 EDT writes:
>Might it be possible to write a program like that that you could run
>just by
>having the exec jsr to the beginning of the program, and then rts back
>when it
>was done? I don't see why you would be unable to call a program like
>that in
>the User Data Archive, as it's on the ROM, and you can call ROM
>But I haven't done anything at all with assembly on my 92+ (too busy
>other projects, mostly), so I could be totally wrong about this.
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