A92: Disass help needed
A92: Disass help needed
Well, it's difficult to start, but perhaps all of you would like to read this,
it is something very strange to me:
I recently posted a premature version of my program DISASS for the 92 as it had
always worked well on my Atari Mega ST, that is I wrote the roundabouts and
posted it without really having checked it on my 92+. When I got the idea of
doing that I really was astonished about it's lots of mistakes.So I
retransferred the routines used on the 92+ to the atari, assembled them there
and let the kernel run using my debugger: theresult was that I found 2 slight
errors and one mistake, but not the ones made on the TI, for example the first
order in my test-file is cmpa.l a4,a3; result on the atari: cmpa.l a4,a3 0; on
the TI: cmpa.l a4,xx with xx not being really comprehensive text, other orders
are especially the immediate ones like ori, andi, etc which aren't written
properly: ori.b #$22,d3 is correctly disassembled on the ST, on the TI ori is
suppressed and a lot moremistakes on the TI not encountered on the ST.
If someone of you is interested in tryind to find out about that I would send
him the source privately, so that he could work on it.
At the moment I myself am not able to do further tests as I had to send in my
TI-92plus because of a broken link port (which clearly occured in sending varios
changes to the disassembler routine for testing them), I hope to get it back
within a week or so.
Mail to : Arno.Kizina@t-online.de