Re: A92: great idea
Re: A92: great idea
Robot & Rob,
The concept is simple and the program should be easy to make as long as the
calculators are running the exactly same version of the TI-92 ROM.
The way to do it is to let calculator 1 (with fargo) send all it's memory to
calculator 2 as it would send
any other backup, and remember while transfering, to include the
fargo-kernel at the correct
Ofcourse this means that calculator 2 would loss whatever it had in it's
memory before the transfer
started but you could always transfer the most importent variables to the
other calculator first,
using VAR-LINK.
This is a project, I've always wanted to do complete - I simply never have
had the time yet :-(
Hope that helped,
Kristian K. Nielsen,
-----Original Message-----
From: fondacci christophe <>
To: <>
Date: 9. august 1998 20:27
Subject: Re: A92: great idea
---Robert Caldwell <> wrote:
> While we are on the verge of great ideas, why don't I put in my 2
> (well actually it's one, I bought a snickers the other day...he he).
> I've came across this problem before, and wished that someone would
> made the program. Make a program that will send the fargo kernel and
> everything through calc-to-calc link. I know that the one on the
> computer checks for the version and places a specific type Fargo
> into the backup, but what if they were the same calculator versions?
> Now, me and a friend both got a 92 (same version), and before the
end of
> the school year, I had fargo and he wanted it. I couldn't simply
> the fargo stuff to him, so I just thought that it was pretty stupid
> have such a program if you can't even send it to your friends.
> For example, let's say someone made a real good CHAT program on the
> fargo platform, and you wanted to test it out with a friend. Well,
> can't quite go to school with the program and just send it to him.
> Just a thought.
> -Rob
> p.s. I might take a year off with this army thing, which means the
> on the project may be faster than I expect.
I think it would be very hard :
I have already thought of that before and my conclusions were the
following :
When sending the Fargo backup to a 92, it writes some information
at specific places in your 92's memory, and these places are places
that shouldn't be touch by anything (I mean any prog, or something
else...). So I don't know how you could make a prog on the calc to
tell the other calculator the it should write something in a
non-accessible place of the memory !
(It's hard to say that in english but I hope you understand what I
meant !)
If someone know the method we should use, he must tell us !
Christophe FONDACCI
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