Re : A92: Hardware Graylevels & Interrupts
Re : A92: Hardware Graylevels & Interrupts
Dans un courrier daté du 09/08/98 13:03:26 , vous avez écrit :
> the
> really good and interesting guide from Mathieu (
Please, download which is the last version...
> There it says that I can use 2 Virtual Screens to bypass that problem.
> My question is now: Can I use that on my Grayscale-Game, too ?
> If so, how?
First, thank you...
Then, on your grayscale graphics problem, i think that it is not realistic to
hope to build two grayscale screens set...
A better solution which would be however time consuming ( as a developping
time ) would be to write a build in grayscale system so that the switching
between palnes is not made by the interrupts but by your program and the
calculus on your pictures is made between two updates of the planes... Rather
difficult also... I cannot imagine how to do otherwise.
However, are you sure that the flickereing comes from this problem ? There are
many other causes to this ( i don' t know them.. I just know that sometimes it
solves the problem... )
Sorry, Mathieu, <<