Re: A92: 92+ asm
Re: A92: 92+ asm
At 21:24 1998-08-08 -0700, you wrote:
>Ben wrote:
>> There may not be a need for fargo on the 92+. If someone can find out
>> how to assemble M68000 op-codes into strings and then use the 92+
>> 'exec' command to run them, they will run as asm programs w/o fargo.
>> For new programs, all that needs to happen is for them to be assembled
>> into 92+ asm files.
Someone already has... check out
Note that the programs created buy this package are executables, not asm
strings. They run just like any other program on the calc and take up half
the space of asm strings.
>Fargo provides superior interface and development environment.
>Furthermore, it can insure compatibility of programs for the different
>variants of ti-92s out there.
I fully agree. Libraries also save a whole lot of space when compared to
the ROM_CALL *macros* that TI seems to want us to use. Even if the Plus has
a lot more memory than both the 92 and the 92II/92E it's still bad practice
when a great alternative like Fargo is available.
I've mailed David twice asking about the 92+ Fargo port - no replies yet.
One thing I'm curious about is if there will ever be a $5 parallel cable
link program that handles Flashing... I'd hate to have to buy TI:s
over-priced link cable just for that single purpose :(
Niklas Brunlid -
PQF Quote follows:
The sergeant put on the poker face which has been handed down from NCO to
NCO ever since one protoamphibian told another, lower ranking
protoamphibian to muster a squad of newts and Take That Beach.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Eric)