Re: A92: Help


Re: A92: Help

That is indeed peculiar.  Try loading the program into db92, if you haven't
already done that.  Then, pinpoint the problem exactly by tracing.
Instuctions by themselves ought not cause an address error, unless a6 points
to either low memory, or ROM.

Joshua Kellogg wrote:

> Can anyone tell me what is wrong with these lines of code?
> -       move.l  a1,64(a6)
> -       move.l  (a0),d0
> They cause an address error.  While this line in the same code works.
> -       move.b  #8,84(a6)
> All addresses are within range. And I've tried everything I know (which
> isn't much) to get it to work.  Could somebody help?  And time is really
> important.  Thanks in advance.
> -Josh Kellogg
