A92: RE:About an Editor
A92: RE:About an Editor
>I already spent one day on it!
Last month I spent 2 days on such a program : I
began a text editor, but just for joking with interrupts.
(I LOVE them)
I send you the 92p file I made : its name is Xedit, and the
features are :
-You can enter text
-the cursor blink (!)
-there is a scroll down (only down)
I suggest NOT releasing this file on TiCalc, since it was only
a try, a joke, and I think I won't make future added.
But run it !!
(I choose not making a new version because make insert mode
is quite hard. So if someone make such a project, Good LUCK !)
- Warning
- Could not process part with given Content-Type:
application/x-zip-compressed; name="XEDIT.ZIP"