Re: A92: Re: #fargo


Re: A92: Re: #fargo

fi97 Sacha KAERCHER wrote:

> right, sorry. I thought somebody had written somethnig about it. But I remember I wrote a such little doc a year ago, but I was a newby and there might be some mistakes. Here it is :
> * Format of TI-92 PIC
> Example of a 103 * 239 picture :
> address   count   description
> -------   -----   -----------
> 0000-0007     8 : "**TI92**" text
> 0008-0009     2 : 00 01 : seperator ???
> 000A-0011     8 : folder name
> 0012-0039    50 : "Bitmap file dated mm/dd/yy, hh:mm ^^^^^^^" text
> 003A-003B     2 : 0100 : seperator ???
> 003C-003F     4 : 52 00 00 00 : ???
> 0040-0047     8 : variable name
> 0048-004B     4 : 10 00 00 00 : ???
> 004C-004F     4 : file length
> 0050-0055     6 : A5 5A 00 00 00 00 : ???
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> 0056-0057     2 : size : 0C17 : 3095(d) bytes to read
> 0058-0059     2 : 103  : 0067 : 103(d) vertical resolution
> 005A-005B     2 : 239  : 00EF : 239(d) horizontal resolution
> 005C-0C6D  3090 : data : 103*240/8 = 3090 bytes stored in row major
>   NOTE : the number of bits in each row will be aligned
>          to a multiple of 8
> 0C6E-0C71     1 : DF : end mark
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> 0C6F-0C70     2 : checksum : from "bytes to read" to "end mark"
> * Format of TI-92 TEXT
> Adress          Count           Description
> 0000-0007       8               "**TI92**" text
> 0008-0009       2               00 01 separator
> 000A-0011       8               Folder name
> 0012-0039       40              "Text file..." text
> 003A-003F       6               01 00 52 00 00 00 separator
> 0040-0047       8               Variable name
> 0048-004B       4               0B 00 00 00 separator
> 004C-004F       4               File length (ex : &97 &01 &00 &00=> &(00 00 01 97) => 407)
> 0050-0055       6               A5 5A 00 00 00 00 separator
> =========================Data==================================================
> 0056-0057       2               Size = bytes to read
> 0058-0059       2               00 01 separator (?)
> 005A- x         n               Text with chr(13) as lign separator
> x+1 - x+2       1               End mark  = E0
> ===============================================================================
> x+3 - x+4       2               Checksum from "size" to "end mark" (?)
> * Format of TI-92 PRGM
> Adress          Count           Description
> 0000-0007       8               "**TI92**" text
> 0008-0009       2               00 01 separator
> 000A-0011       8               Folder name
> 0012-0039       40              "Program file..." text
> 003A-003F       6               01 00 52 00 00 00 separator
> 0040-0047       8               Variable name
> 0048-004B       4               12 00 00 00 separator
> 004C-004F       4               File length (ex : &97 &01 &00 &00=> &(00 00 01 97) => 407)
> 0050-0055       6               A5 5A 00 00 00 00 separator
> =========================Data==================================================
> 0056-0057       2               Size = bytes to read ex &02 &50 => &0250 = 592
> 0058-x          n               Program with chr(13) as lign separator
> x+1 - x+ 8      7               00 19 E4 E5 00 00 08
> x+8 - x+10      1               End mark  = DC
> ===============================================================================
> x+11 - x+14     2               Checksum from ? to ?

Thanks.  I added this to as  Take a look at it if you want, and if you want to submit a more professional version or
whatever, feel free.

Bryan Rabeler <>
   File Archives
   the project -
