Re: A92: FTerm 1.0.8 communication settings
Re: A92: FTerm 1.0.8 communication settings
Hello John,
It's the first time i send a message here, so hello everybody !
There is a complete doc on 68000, and a chapter on 68HC11 on my site in the link Documentation, 68000,
It may be of some help to you.
Note: It's only in french.
Maybe I can have some other docs in french on peripherals and DUART.
Don't hesitate to mail me personally if you want to try further.
Bye, Emeric
PS: This site would become a great site for TI92 in french
John Wasinger wrote:
> Hello again,
> I am attempting to interface my TI-92 to a 68HC11 EVBU (microprocessor
> project board) for a class. The EVBU has a built in RS232 serial
> interface that communicates at 9600 baud with 8-N-1 bit/parity settings.