Re: A92: tios.h


Re: A92: tios.h

> ; Note: If you pass {symlist} = FOLDER_LIST_HANDLE, then the function
> will
> ;       search for the folder {name}. You may then use the returned
> handle
> The returned handle?  What handle? where does it say it returns a
> handle?

  The handle bieng returned is inside the SYM_ENTRY structure.  Think of the
returned pointer as pointing to a couple of variables in series.  One of those
variables is the handle to the file.  The structure offsets are listed in
TIOS.h, just before all the OS variable offsets.  For instance, a structure
definition might look like this:

; myStruct definition
firstField equ 0
second equ 2
third equ 6

If you had a pointer to this structure in A0, then to get the value of
firstField, you'd use: 0(a0)  or   firstField(a0)
For second: 2(a0)  or  second(a0)
For third:  6(a0)  or  third(a0)

  Notice that the offsets implicitly tell you the size of the data,
'firstField' goes from offset 0-2 = 2 Bytes, however 'third' goes from offset
2-6 = 4 bytes.

Hope this helps..

