Re: A92: Cannot run Fargo 0.2.6 on my Calc


Re: A92: Cannot run Fargo 0.2.6 on my Calc

>>>Evidentally there are some cases where a received backup file will be
>>>incompatible with my current putfargo utility. I will investigate this

>>I take this back. The backup is corrupted even *without* Fargo being
>>inserted in it. It seems that a large number of the pointers contained in
>>the backup file, which are supposed to be ROM addresses, are incorrect for
>>ROM 1.10. Either the backup was received under very odd conditions, or was
>>corrupted somehow, or was manually edited in a hex editor. Or, something I
>>can't even begin to guess. I'd love to know how this backup came to be...

>Ok...there actually *is* another possibility: Hugo Ferreira has a weird ROM
>that *claims* to be 1.10, but really isn't...

>Hugo: What's the *date* that shows up in the version-screen on your calc?

Here's the DUMP from the version screen:

Copyright (c) 1995 Texas Instruments, Inc
Copyright (c) 1995 Soft Warehouse, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1995 UJF-CNRS
Version 1.10 03/26/96

The backup file I sent you was getted from my CALC using TI-Graph Link !