A92: fwd: Results of space shuttle mission with TI-92 and CBL
A92: fwd: Results of space shuttle mission with TI-92 and CBL
Just a little tidbit I thought you guys might want to see.
Shawn Prestridge
Texas Instruments, Inc.
Educational & Productivity Solutions
7800 Banner Drive MS 3908
Dallas, Texas 75251
(972) 917-1698
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Original text
From: Susan Reyes <s-reyes@ti.com>, on 9/15/97 10:03 AM:
To: E&P Solutions Team <*CSBU@msg.ti.com>
Cc: "ibarra@bellatlantic.net" <ibarra@bellatlantic.net>,
"rsorensen@vernier.com" <rsorensen@vernier.com>
-MSG M#= 174800 FR=SUEQ TO=YUPI SENT=09/15/97 10:03 AM TYPE=N
R#=176 ST=C DIV=0014 CC=02315 BY=SUEQ AT=09/15/97 09:54 AM
To: E&P Solutions Team *CSBU
Copy: ibarra@bellatlantic.net <ibarra@bellatlantic.net>
rsorensen@vernier.com <rsorensen@vernier.com>
From: Susan Reyes <s-reyes@ti.com>
Subj: Results of space shuttle mission with TI-92 and CBL
Last month the TI-92 and CBL blasted off into space aboard the space shuttle
Discovery with an experiment put together by students at Mayo High School in
Rochester, Minnesota. In the experiment, students wanted to see how
weightlessness would affect the growth of fava beans. The students grew beans
here on earth for the same amount of time that the beans grew in space so they
can compare the amount of growth of the roots, the cell size and structure, and
other biological aspects between the two sets of beans.
The TI-92 and CBL came into play very early on in the experiment when they had
to power up and water the beans to start the growing process after the space
shuttle passed 50000 feet. After that, the CBL recorded temperatures in three
areas of the container to verify the heaters worked properly. The heaters were
needed to keep the beans around 55 degrees F, where they grow the best.
This past Wednesday, the container holding the experiment finally made it back
to Mayo High School. Thursday the students and teachers involved with the
project gathered around the science room to help dismantle it and open the
cylinders holding the beans to see if the experiment worked or not. And VIOLA'
...Everything went just as they had hoped. The results were fantastic! The
beans in all six cylinders grew which meant the TI-92 and CBL turned on and
ran, the valves all opened to water the beans, the heaters and thermostats all
worked to keep the beans warm, the batteries lasted the entire flight, the
little circuits the students built up to ensure a proper power-down worked, the
valves that opened to apply the fixative to the beans to halt growth worked,
and the TI-92 retained the temperature recordings until the container made it
back to the HS and the data could be down-loaded into the computer! Everyone
was very excited with the results and were more than pleased that things went
as planned.
The students and teachers at Mayo send their thanks to everyone here who helped
on this project. They also promised to send the biological results of the
experiment when they have them compiled. I'll let you know when I hear
anything more.