re: A92: New design-Please Read
re: A92: New design-Please Read
Just remember that in order to tweak a PIC 17C44JW UV erasable PIC to
that high of a frequency, you need to use a crystal (otherwise, the
Schmidt-Trigger clock onboard the processor doesn't work). Also, to save you a
little bit of time, make sure that you set all the status registers on PORTA as
you want them before you do anything else (i.e. do them in your POR
(Power-On_Reset) code). It took me a week to figure out why a circuit I
designed for TI wouldn't work, and it turned out that the PIC that I was using
needed to have its PORTA assigned in order to properly handle interrupts.
Another processor you might want to consider is the ATMEL AT90S1200,
and its family. The PICs are available in UV erasable, but this family of
ATMELs have FLASH memory which may save you a lot of heartache in the long run.
> From:, on 9/7/97 7:22 PM:
> Due to Motorola discontinuing the microproccessor that I was originally
> going
> to use and someones suggestion to use a PIC microcontroller. I looked
> around
> on Microchips web page and found a reasonable good match that runs a lot
> faster(33 MHz).
Shawn Prestridge
Texas Instruments, Inc.
Educational & Productivity Solutions
7800 Banner Drive MS 3908
Dallas, Texas 75251
(972) 917-1698
(972) 917-7103 FAX