Re: Re: A92: Desired features for smart prin


Re: Re: A92: Desired features for smart prin

I was planning on extending the bus beyond the MCU to a DB25 or DB50 plug on
the case as well as a serial interface port for compatibility with the serial

the main processor I am planning on using is around $25 and the PRU is about
$6, so with parts and labor I would be willing to sell it somewhere between
$40 and $60, depending on the amount of RAM/EEPROM you wish to buy at the
same time.

I should be done with a working prototype within two months at the latest
considering I will also have to keep my grades up in school.

If anyone wishes to assist in the final manufacturing of the units, please
contact me at James .  Can someone please suggest a name for
this thing.


P.S.  The expansion port will probably allow about 32k of addressed space on
the expansion bus.
