A92: Request: FAQs for ticalc.org FAQ database
A92: Request: FAQs for ticalc.org FAQ database
Hi, as the maintainer of the FAQ database at ticalc.org I am now
requesting you to mail me frequently asked questions with answers.
All future questions sent to help@ticalc.org will be added but I have a
hard time keeping up with all these mailing lists where 10-20 questions
are asked daily. Therefor it would be great if you more experienced
programmers sent the questions that arise on the lists often, with
answers, to me at faq@ticalc.org. One question and answer per mail.
Adding more and more questions to the FAQ database will reduce "noice" on
the mailing lists as "newbies" fast can find their answers to common
Please help. Thanks.
PS. Please note: Send the FAQs with answers to >>>> faq@ticalc.org <<<<<
Henrik Edlund
the ticalc.org project