A92: A92 questions
A92: A92 questions
Hello, I'm a newbie from germany. I recently bought a ti92 because I thought
( and still think) it's better than my HP48 was.
After having played around for a while I started examining it, found out, that
there is the possibility to program it in 68000-asm, just like my old Atari ST.
I liked the assmbly language for this machine and so got me some versions of
fargo, but up to now I wasn't able to get one or them running. So here are my
1. Has anybody arrived to get fargo running on rom 1.11 with 256k of ram?
If, how did he(she) do that?
2. I found out, that in my test-socket a board was inserted with some smd and a
SEC 514Y KM681000 BLG-7L on it. What does this chip do? Is it the ram or
contains it my rom?
3. I carefully examined the preinstalled backups for fargo, especially the ones
for rom 1.11. Does the ti92-operating-system simply call the routine at the
offset $61a58 from the beginning of the file?
Thanks in advance Arno Kizina
e-mail: Arno.Kizina@t-online.de