A92: Re: ti structure info !


A92: Re: ti structure info !

Hi there !

I've just started programming on ti with fargo and after having a look at all
documents around there, I still have unsolved questions. I haven't found
others docs so here are my queries, if someone could help it would be really
cool !

* what is the meaning of the first word in a folder/variable table ?
  actually the mem block pointed by a folder handle looks like :

  type  size    description

  word  2       ?
  word  2       number of folders

  char  8       folder name
  word  2       ?
  word  2       folder handle (points to var table)

  I'm really curious to know about the meaning of these 2 (?) words.

* how the calculator manage to determine the type of a variable ? Actually
  when looking at a variable memory block, we can see a first word giving the
  variable size, then comes another word which is unknown to me, finally comes
  the file data ended with a 2 bytes checksum. First I throught the word
  following the size was a flag describing the variable type but I've noticed
  that 2 var of the same type had different values. I concluded this should
  be a kind of bookmark for the program/text/etc editor. So how the ti get the
  type ?

Weel I think that's all I wanted to know for the moment, I hope that someone
can help...

