Re: LF: Registers vs the stack
Re: LF: Registers vs the stack
Using the registers would be the optimal solution (if you register space),
the solution using the stack takes a lot of times since memory has to be
read and written. When you use the command:
Movem.l D0-A6,-(Sp)
You hit the mem a lot, and on the TI it takes a lot of time. Speedy
libraries are always prefrable. Got it. ;)
Michael Wulff Nielsen
On Tue, 10 Jun 1997, Niklas Brunlid wrote:
> Which would be the fastest method of sending data to a library? Moving
> it to registers or pushing it to the stack?
> The first has the advantage that I can use MOVEM in my library, but
> the second doesn't occupy any registers in the calling program. However,
> if I use the second, how can I use MOVEM to preserve registers?
> - Niklas Brunlid (
> PQF quote follows:
> The calender of the Theocracy of Muntab counts down, not up. No-one knows
> why, but it might not be a good idea to hang around and find out.
> -- (Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters)