Re: LF: Hiscore page?
Re: LF: Hiscore page?
BG McCollum wrote:
> >I also think that you must take a screenshot with FCamera or something and
> >send it to me so I know people won't cheat!
> Who's to say that a little photoshop touchup won't happen?
Who needs photoshop? I can hack a bitmap image with DiskEdit!
I think that participants should attach a copy of the game itself to an
email. If the person hosting the contest loads the games onto their
calc, the highscore list will show up. This, of course, requires a game
with highscore support.
Just out of curiosity, what's everyone's best scores on FInvaders and
Tetris (Jimmy's version)?
Jake Robb
< "Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice >
< doggy' until you can find a rock." >
< -Unknown >