Re: Re : Re: LF: Once more: prog stuff
Re: Re : Re: LF: Once more: prog stuff
> > 3) Is there a prog written which, like a debugger, allows to add
> > breakpoints in a prog and to get the state of registers ? Reclib cannot
> > except if called by an error...
> Yes. It's called Raven. Supposedly, it prevents crashes, too, but this
> is not the makes a few itself :). Try for
> it.
Hello, just thought I'd add to the Raven discussion... You can call Raven
from your program with one of the breakpoint traps, or the illegal instruction.
See a 68K reference for the assembly instructions to call. (I believe the
illegal instruction is just ILLEGAL. Try insterting that mnemonic where you
want to break the program.)
Aaron: What problems have you found with Raven? I'm the author, and I'd love
to fix it, but this is only the second complaint I've heard.
BTW: While I'm on the topic of Raven, I have a fix for the Shift-On disabling
bug, it is due to the Shell testing a variable on entrance, and not starting up
if that variable is set. If for some reason you crashed out of the Shell, it
never got a chance to unset that variable and so it refuses to start. If
anyone needs the fix, just mail me.. It'll be in the next release, but that
won't be out for awhile.