Re: LF: Fargo programming
Re: LF: Fargo programming
There are some bugs.
Michael Wulff Nielsen
On Mon, 16 Jun 1997 wrote:
> I am new in 68k asm, more precisely in asm...
> Here is a prog i wrote wich doesn' t work...
> Could someone tell me what is wrong ?
> Thanks
> Mathieu <hm>
> @Program prog_code,prog_name
> prog_code:
> jsr flib[clr_scr]
> main:
>???? Why do you pop parameters onto stack after you have called the lib
> jsr romlib[puttext]
> move.l ess(PC),D0
> bsr affich
jsr flib[idle_loop]
>Kill this one and instead: bsr fin
> Rts
> affich:
> move.w #4,-(A7)
> move.l D0,-(A7)
> move.w #10,-(A7)
> move.w #10,-(A7)
> lea 10(A7),A7
> fin:
> rts
> ess: dc.b "coucou",0
> prog_name:
> dc.b "essai",0
> reloc_open
> add_library romlib
> add_library flib
> reloc_close
> end