LF: RE: Math Question, possible ROM error..?
LF: RE: Math Question, possible ROM error..?
My TI-92 (ROM1.4) gives the following results:
limit(sqrt(x-4),x,4) (i.e. from pos infinity to 4) = 0
limit(sqrt(x-4),x,-4) (i.e. from neg infinity to 4) = Non-real result
limit(sqrt(x-4),x,0) (i.e. from pos and neg infinity to 4) = Non-real result.
As far as I know these are the correct results for this problem.
Hope this helps. AL Rachels
-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Turner [SMTP:bcturner@eos.ncsu.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 1997 12:07
To: list-fargo@lists.ticalc.org
Subject: LF: Math Question, possible ROM error..?
Ok, simple question, but not the expected simple answer:
limit(sqrt(x-4), x, 4) 'sqrt' bieng the square root symbol
My TI-92 (ROM 1.11) evaluates this limit to be zero. However this
should only be correct if evaluating from positive infinity down to 4.
It ought to give back the result of undefined since it was told to
evaluate from both sides. Also, zero is returned even if it is told to
evaluate from negative infinity up to 4.
Could someone who has ROM 1.12 try this and confirm the answer, and
also someone who knows what the real answer should be (it's been a long
time since I've had a course with limits).
Thanks! (sorry for the off-topic post, I'm just curious)
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