LF: TI-86 Penguins Text File - Rather Disturbing
LF: TI-86 Penguins Text File - Rather Disturbing
I recently was looking at the documentation for a game called Penguins,
a TI-86 assembly game. You can find it on ticalc.org. Some of the text
was rather disturbing. The game is written by Bill Nagel, who happens
to be a member of the Ti-Files. Here is the part that I feel is
inappropriate (the second paragraph):
<start quote here>
You can add Penguins to your page under the following condition,
Your page must have a link to:
If you play Penguins, you shouldn't go to this site
because they copy everything from The TI-Files:
<end quote here>
This does not belong in the documentation for a game. I am sure most
other TI users would agree. The purpose of this message is not a flame
and I do not want to start/continue a war. I would just like this
immaturity to come to a stop.
Bryan Rabeler
ICQ UIN # 1229209
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