Re: A92: Line 1111 Emulator


Re: A92: Line 1111 Emulator

On Sat, 27 Dec 1997, Larry G Currie wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Dec 1997 00:22:40 EST ADAMMAN106 <> writes:
> >
> >> This may sound dense but I just got a TI-92...
> >>  Somehow (don't ask me how) my calculator froze and I have a message 
> >at
> >>  the top that says "Line 1111 Emulator".  I've tried removing the
> >>  batteries and hitting On a number of times, but when I turn it on 
> >the
> >>  message is still there.  Any ideas?
> >
> >2nd-hand-on will do the trick quite nicely
> >
> Or, if the calc will not accept that, remove the backup battery (It's in
> the screw on place where it warns of not removing a test pod or
> something.), and all other batteries, hit on several times, let it sit a
> few minuter, put in the backup battery , put in the AA's as you insert
> the AA's hold on, and it will hard reset your calc.

You know, we really should have some way to have messages resent every so
often so people that miss them can read them short of digging them out of
the archives.  I'm sick of hearing this particular question answered wrong
time after time.  2nd-hand-On often works but on occasion won't.  The
answer to THAT is NOT to yank every battery in sight, punch ON fifteen
times while standing on your head, then putting all the batteries back in
while pressing ON a few more times for good measure, and finally getting
all the batteries back in, hit ON, and if you're lucky the world will be
saved. No.  the TI people are a LITTLE smarter than that.  I don't have my
manual handy(which makes me feel a little stupid) but I know its in there.
And, sadly I'm not positive but can make a very near correct guess.  if
you yank ONE 'AA' bettery, not all of them plus the ones from your walkman
and wall clock and hold <>-( (that's diamond-left parentheses) while
putting the battery back in (don't whine, it's not that difficult) the TI
will reset if there's an error to be found.  I'm not able to crash my calc
at will to test this but if I did this my calc would turn itself on and
re-adjust the contrast like it normally does when one replaces a battery.
if this isn't the right combination then try <>-).  it's either the left
or right parentheses, I can't remember which.  But people, please, stop
the spread of misinformation.  There's a reason why there's a manual, I
suggest people read it from time to time.  These things ARE in there, you
just have to look.  Like I said, the TI people aren't stupid.

here's an excerpt from a psuedo-computer problem report form that I was
forwarded once upon a time:

12.  Have you read the manual?  Yes__ No__

13.  Are you sure you've read the manual?  Maybe__ No__

14.  Are you absolutely certain you've read the manual?   No__

15.  If you read the manual, do you think you understood it?  Yes__ No__

16.  If 'Yes' then explain why you can't fix the problem yourself.

Thank you all and have a WONDERFUL holiday break, or at least try. :)

Jonathan Dickmann
I used to think that life wouldn't be exciting if I didn't keep busy
but I've since decided that life would be SANE if I didn't keep busy
and there's NO way I could stand THAT.   -- Jonathan Dickmann

P.S. Larry, I really liked your quote.
