Re: A92: P-92 !?


Re: A92: P-92 !?

Kyle Stemen wrote:

> I would like it if we could make a standard language such as C.

The language shoudn't be "such as C", but perfectly C-like (ANSI
C-standard?),(perhaps C++), so that normal C-programs can be compiled, which
where originaly
designed for amiga or pc. (Actually I don't think, that there are any good
programed with pascal, because pascal is a quite impractical and restricted
and consist 50% of dummy key words, such as ord or chr.)

Another idea about a c-compiler: I realized, that pc - c-programs can be
quite good. So: why don't compile self-extracting programs? (a
selfextracting program
would contain the hole program (without the graphlink-header and checksums),

compressed, and will, when it is executed, extract the program with a
library to a temporary
allocated memory block, execute this temp. program, and remove the memory
block afterwards.)
The compression program, I'm working on, was able, to compress zorma.92p to
of it's original size (rar compressed it to 49%), that will mean,  that
you'll have about 12K
more mem. (smaller programs like shell.92p were only compressed to 70%-80%,
but c-programs, often use equal commands, that appear often, and for this
reason they can
be compressed better.) The disadvantage is, that there allways will have to
be enough mem,
to uncompress the programm, in case of zorma, that would be 28K. (the
algorithm itself, was designed to need only very few RAM. It needs only 256
- 512 Bytes
during uncompression.)

> If we
> did this more people would be able to program in it, and we would have
> more of a chance of converting games. If you want to see what Sage is go
> to the temporary address at It
> is a C compiler I started on.
> Pascal Sueess wrote:
> > Hello!
> > I have some ideas about developping a new programming language for
> > the TI - 92 : P-92 !
> > P-92 would be a combination of Assembler, Pascal and Delphi.
> > I have a lot of great ideas, but:
> > Developping a new compiler is a lot of work.
> > So I want to know first if there really is a need for it.
> >
> > What do you thing about it?
> > Would you like it?
> > Would you use it?
> > Some suggestions?
> > Does somebody want to help? (for example correcting my spelling
> > mistakes... :-) )
> >
> > Pascal

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