Re: A92: Let's talk serious now.


Re: A92: Let's talk serious now.

Dennis Ng wrote:
> Alrighty, do anyone want to show me the REAL way to execute programs in ASM.
> No, not some lousy way you GUESS it is. Tell me HOW it's done.  Be sure to
> include if it was successful on your calculator.  I spent 3 hours searching
> through the mailing lists, and none of you, unfortunately, know what you
> guys are talking about, especially talking about Yahoo's virus which no1
> really cares about!  If i needed to know that, I would have looked it up on
> which I visit almost every day. Let's get back to business.
> TOPIC: ASSEMBLY-92!!!!!!

A bit arrogant aren't you?
No more than half a dozen people had a mention on that virus. One or two
to tell us it was there, and the rest to say that it wasn't.
I was one of those who proved it wrong.
You must remember that not everyone has such a clear vision as you and
I. You would be amazed to see how many naive people are out there.
Think it over.

Kind regards, and a merry X-mas (yada yada yada :-)

          Rene Kragh Pedersen
What's up???
Um, like it's the direction of increasing gravitational potential.
