Re: A92: Re: Mac C -> Fargo "C4Fargo Mac" released


Re: A92: Re: Mac C -> Fargo "C4Fargo Mac" released

Kyle Stemen wrote:

> David Kühling wrote:
> > Bryan Christopher Turner wrote:
> >

Chop  HAck Dump

> > very low memory, because you would only need the librarys used by the
> > program.
> > Because the ROM is programed with c, all rom-functions can be used by
> > the c-program, if they use the c-calling-conventions.
>   I agree, and just incase everyone forgot I started a C compiler that ran
> on the computer, and produced txt-asm that could then be compiled with A68k.
> It was written in Java though, but if I got enough help I would be willing
> to convert it to C++. And I would be willing to start working on it again if
> someone else was willing to help.

 I would be willing to provide some help, I have a fairly good knowledge of c,
and java.  I think getting it working in C would be our first step though.

 Evan J. Felix
 USU Research Foundation Space Dynamics Lab
 Data Processing Center
