A92: Compatability with 256K TI-92


A92: Compatability with 256K TI-92

for all, how write fargo programs:

please  make your programs 256K compatible!
I've got a 256K upgraded TI-92, so almost every 2nd fargo program
refuses to work, and crashes  my TI-92. This is caused by the following:
many programs get access to the interrupt vector table, by writing to
addresses beyond 20000h. At a normal TI-92 this wraps around in memory,
into the vector table, without causing a protected memory violation
error. This doesn't work at a 256K TI-92. So: Please use addresses
beyond 40000h to access the vector table, this would work at both kinds
of  TI-92.
(I don't want to do this manually in the hex-editor, because it doesn't
work any time, and disassembling every program, needs too much time)
Another way would be, to switch off the protected memory violation
error, and use the real vector table at 00000h.
Another problem with 256K TI-92 is, that they execute programs from RAM
much faster, than a normal TI-92. So, if you want to program loops,
which are equally fast at every TI-92, synchronize them with AutoInt 1.