A92: new programs
A92: new programs
> > Why haven't any new 92 programs come out in a while? It seems that
> > production of most TI-92 programs have come to a stop. Is anyone
> > still
> > working on any new programs?
I'm converting a teaching operating system called Xinu to the TI-92 next
semester. This will allow threaded execution of TI-OS and Xinu processes, and
allow you to write programs in C.
As a header project I've written a kit for Mac programmers to write C/C++
Fargo programs and a program to convert the executables into TI-92 program
variables for transmission. I'll probably release this stuff & the source when
it's done. It works on a Macintosh with Metrowerks CodeWarrior Pro 2. This
includes a header file to access low-memory globals like local variables. It
works really well!
Some assembly required :)