A92: The bugging code from TINX 0.50
A92: The bugging code from TINX 0.50
Here's the code that (most likely) bugs:
;* Clear the screen and move the line *
jsr flib[clr_scr]
move.l lcd_mem_ptr,a6
lea 115*30(a6),a6
lea (121-115)*30(a6),a5
moveq #14,d0
\cloop move.w #0,(a5)+
move.w #$FFFF,(a6)+
dbra d0,\cloop
;* Plot the big title *
lea bigtitle(PC),a5
move.l lcd_mem_ptr,a6
lea 116*30(a6),a6
moveq #11,d0
\ploop move.l (a5)+,(a6)+
move.l (a5)+,(a6)+
move.l (a5)+,(a6)+
add.l #18,a6
dbra d0,\ploop
;* Remove the "BUSY" indicator if present *
move.w #ACTIVITY_IDLE,-(a7)
jsr romlib[set_activity]
;* Draw wind and fire boxes, with text *
;* The boxes *
move.l #122+239*65536,-(a7)
move.l #117+135*65536,-(a7)
jsr flib[frame_rect]
; move.w #127,6(a7)
addq.w #5,6(a7)
; move.w #122,2(a7)
addq.w #5,2(a7)
jsr flib[frame_rect]
;* The text *
move.w #0,-(a7)
jsr romlib[set_font]
move.w #1,-(a7)
pea str_wind(PC)
move.l #117+118*65536,-(a7)
jsr romlib[puttext]
move.l #123+112*65536,(a7)
; addq.l #5,4(a7)
addq.w #5,6(a7)
jsr romlib[puttext]
lea 22(a7),a7
;# #
;# #
;* Scrolling in the title screen (only first time) *
; clr.l d3
lea titlepic(PC),a0
move.l field_ptr,a1
jsr hufflib[extract]
moveq #0,d3
move.l #(111+DRAW_ROW)*30,d0
\oloop move.l lcd_mem_ptr,a0
add.l d0,a0
move.l d0,d1
move.l field_ptr,a1
\iloop move.w (a1)+,(a0)+
addq.l #2,d1
cmp.l #(112+DRAW_ROW)*30,d1
bne.s \iloop
move.w frame_time,d3
; mulu.w #4,d3
lsl.w #2,d3
\dloop dbra d3,\dloop
sub.l #30,d0
cmp.l #DRAW_ROW*30,d0
bne.s \oloop
lea titlepic(PC),a0
move.l lcd_mem_ptr,a1
lea DRAW_ROW*30(a1),a1
; add.l #DRAW_ROW*30,a1
jsr hufflib[extract]
bsr wait_nokey
lcd_mem_ptr Pointer to LCD mem (in preparation of Fargo II)
bigtitle The small "TINX" at the bottom of the screen
str_wind Strings containing "Wind" and "Power"
titlepic Imported Huffman packed title picture
field_ptr Pointer to a part of the allocated memory
DRAW_ROW Pixelrow to start drawing on the LCD screen
frame_time Delay variable
wait_nokey Self-explanatory
* Hufflib needs the two adresses to be longword aligned
* Something else is not longword aligned when it should be
* We're reading/writing in non-allocated memory
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
If you don't have the 0.50 version with the bugging code, tell me ,and I'll
send it to you.
Bug reports: Please tell *exactly* how far in the above code you think
you've come when the error occurs - i.e. what's on the screen, exactly?
Thanks to all in advance - this is driving me nuts!
Niklas Brunlid
PQF Quote follows:
-- Dirty Death
(Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man)