Re: A92: 111 Emulator error.
Re: A92: 111 Emulator error.
On Aug 8, 10:04pm, Adam King wrote:
> Subject: A92: 111 Emulator error.
> How, exactly, is a 111 Emulator Error caused, and how can it be
> solved/fixed.
A line 1111 and a line 1010 exception are caused by instructions of the form
$Fxxx and $Axxx respectively. On the TI calcs, a line 1111 error is most
likely to occur when your instruction execution pointer moves into data space.
Check program flow to be sure you never execute data. (also, corrupting the
stack, stack/heap collisions, and logical address erros can all cause the
instruction ponter to fly off in the wrong direction).
> Also how could I obtain image roms for EMU vs .01 without having the
> homemade link. Thanx.
Legally, not at all. It's not technically legal to transmit the ROM of the
calc, even if you own one. Your best bet is to find a friend with a cable and
do it yourself. (or at least, don't let it out that you got one from someone