A92: line 1111 & Raven


A92: line 1111 & Raven

i am truly fascinated by this thing i talked about in last e mail: the line
1010 error
doesn' t work ! ... There IS something.... I happened to discover that many
had adresses bigger than 24 bits and that these adresses : the numbers bigger
than 24 bits are in fact the vector numbers ( as explained in the raven doc )

Is this due to Raven ? ( raven redirect these vectors to the same adress but
allows to know the vector triggered just by looking at the "PC": What raven
represents is not the PC: it is the PC plus one byte to the left used for
that purpose ? )

If all this is true, then, why is line 1010 not redirected in the same manner

i hope that someone will answer .... even if i haven' t made myself clear

mathieu, <hm lacage@aol.com>
