Re: LF: FUnit v1.0b is out!!!
Glad to see another program. Congradulations to all of the authors of the new programs that are coming out, I can speak on behalf of everyone here saying that we are thankful for you work and efforts!
This is one thing I was thinking though... Not to push you That1guy, but as long as you have set up a program that displays the conversion factors for the weights and such, why not just write an entire program that inputs xx value and then outputs the converted yy value, which would be incredible cool, not unlike ucon.92p (available at I think this would be a great idea. Maybe you already have this in the works, but I just wanted to make that suggestion if it hadn't been already proposed.
Congradulations to you and all the other fine Fargo programmers out there..
Aaron "Wow... Minesweeper looks _cool_" Tubbs
At 04:18 PM 11/28/96 CST, you wrote:
>Finally! A new program for Fargo has been released!
>FUnit v1.0b is completed and is now being distributed over the Internet.
>So, get your copy below on this message! I'm sure that you will all come
>to need FUnit some time or another. FUnit is similar to FChem, but FUnit
>uses units of measurement.
>Coded by:
>Date: 11/28/96 [Thanksgiving '96]
>Version: 1.0b
>Size: ~3k
>* *
>Special thanks to Tim Gerla for helping me get started!
>* *
>_=_ Part 001 of 001 of file
>Attachment Converted: "D:\Eudora\Attach\"
Aaron N. Tubbs
<italic>"If you do something good in life, make sure you get a receipt,
in case heaven is like the IRS!"</italic>