LF: Testing a pixel


LF: Testing a pixel

Try calling flib[find_pixel] with the point and then testing the bit
returned in D0 against the memory location pointed to by the address in A0.

Should look something like:
        move.w y,-(a7)
        move.w x,-(a7)
        jsr flib[find_pixel]
        lea 4(a7),a7               ;reset stack ptr
        btst d0,(a0)            
        beq yup_pixel_set

This is untested and probably won't work, but that's the idea.


warn@geocities.com writes:
 > Can anyone tell me how (or point me to some source where I can find out how)
 > to test a pixel.  Yes, I have read all the docs and I realized that it has
 > something to do with find_pixel in the flib library, but I have no clue as
 > to the specifics.
 > Thank you for any help you can offer,
 >                         Andrew
