LF: Why is QWERTY so bad?


LF: Why is QWERTY so bad?

I still don't under stand what is so evil about QWERTY keyboards that
makes them not be allowed on standredized test. How does this give you an
advantage in MATH?

|     Baer William Bradford       | Smile the Future Is Now!       |
|         Knoxville,TN            |    \  ,,,            __________|
|       University of TN          |     \(o o)          | C-YA L8R |

On Thu, 28 Nov 1996, Eric Junker wrote:

> >  I think that 
> >the only reason the TI-92 can't be used is because it has a QWERTY 
> >keyboard.  But, I think it is possible to remap the keystrokes (using 
> >Fargo) so the keys return different values than what they normally 
> >would.  Once I get better at my ASM for the TI-92, I'll probably work 
> >on something like this.
> >
> >-Ed
> After you go to all the work of doing this they could just change the rules
> to prohibit any calc sold with a QWERTY keyboard.  Sounds great but I don't
> think it would permanently solve the problem.  Anybody else have an opinion
> on this?
> Eric
