LF: ROM v 1.2
LF: ROM v 1.2
In a message dated 96-11-28 20:17:35 EST, you write:
<< I don't think this kind of language is called for. If I want to read this
jonk I will go to flamer irc somewhere. Cursing is only appropriate
amongst friends. The one who is acting like a 3rd grader is you Groundhog.
But I do admit it is pretty ignorant not to no to raise the power by 1/3 I
mean that is what you had to do for the TI-8*'s if you went about the
third root. >>
I agree totally, but remember to quote the original message so new people
won't think you're a raving lunatic. Oh, also, is a rom 1.2 old? Should I get
it replaced? Thanks,