LF: About my New Program
LF: About my New Program
Thank you so so much for helping me out on my new program. I have just
one more question... Could you send me that same program, except with a
menu like you have in Keepout, where if you press F1, it will bring you to a new screen of text, and F2 will bring you to a second. (I eventually
will have more, but I can do that if there is a simple pattern to it,
like there was with the Writestr thingies.)
Also, when it gets to the screen, there will be a menu of F1 to return to
the main menu, where you can exit the program like you can now. Basically, I want to put a 3 level menu at the top of my program, so that people
can navigate easily through the information. Get it?
Sorry, I think this might be too hard for you to do for me, but I would
really like to see how it's done. Have you seen Fchem? I am writing a
program similar to that, execpt it will be conversion tables and stuff.
Oops! I told you what I'm writing, please don't go out and write one now
:) I plan to release the first public beta by the end of TODAY if you tell me how to do menus :) Thanks so VERY much!!!
P.S.- I would love to give you more comments and suggestions on Keepout, but I think it's going to be hard to get the product any better than what
it is now!
On Thu, 28 Nov 1996 16:53:41 GMT timg@polaristel.net (Tim Gerla) writes:
>On Thu, 28 Nov 1996 00:34:14 EST, you wrote:
>>I think Jameco is another great place to order stuff.
>>They have a web page: www.jameco.com
>>most of their standard chips (555, 74xx, etc.) are around 20-50 CENTS
>About my message that some people interpreted that I said 'radio shack
>has good prices', just to clear that up, I meant Mouser has good
>prices, not RS. I like Jameco's prices, but they sock you with huge
>shipping and handling, a $5 minimum order fee for orders less than
>But this is not about Fargo, so here is a question:
>Since it seems like the TI-92 cannot make sound like the 85, could
>someone use a Basic-Stamp (basic interpreter on a chip) to convert the
>TI's output to sound? I'd imagine you could use it for datalogging
>also. That would be *great*.
>Tim Gerla -- timg@climax.polaristel.net -- Tyball@irc
> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/1691/